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AI Illustration with Lock

How is Controlled Impedance Guaranteed in PCB Manufacturing?

What’s the issue? Transmission of high frequency signals on PCBs requires skilled design techniques that …

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EMC Testing: Needed? What is it?

What’s the issue? Harking back to pre-Brexit days (and now in the UK – nothing …

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AI Illustration with Lock

Unlocking the Power of AI: Transforming Business Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the business world, promising unparalleled …

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Is AI the future or Marketing Hype?
AI Explained

What’s the issue? AI (artificial intelligence) is the current hot topic (2020s), but is it …

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One Page Guide: Is a fixed quote reasonable for electronics product development?

  What’s the issue? The essential truth is that a reasonable, firm and fixed quote …

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One Page Guide: Designing ultrasonic flow metering systems

  What’s the issue? There are two types of flow measurement with which the EM …

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One Page Guide: Electronics in enclosure heat: rules of thumb

 What’s the issue? Different Thermal modelling software abounds these days, but it is often very …

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One Page Guide: Managing interface between electronics and product design

 What’s the issue? Different resources have different traits, and few could contrast more than product …

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One Page Guide: Relationship management within the Development Team

 What’s the issue? Relationship management in Electronics Product Development is critical. It is an incredibly …

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One Page Guide: Does reverse engineering electronics make sense?

  What’s the issue? Many electronics product developers find themselves with an electronic product (PCBA …

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One Page Guide: Choosing Enclosures for Electronics

  What’s the issue? There is rarely a requirement for electronics with no enclosure, but …

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One Page Guide: Design criteria for PCB capacitive touch pad or button

  What’s the issue? It is sometimes necessary to implement a capacitive pad on a …

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One Page Guide: Operations Journey (prototype to manufacture)

  What’s the issue? As is common knowledge but often overlooked, a finalised fully functional …

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One Page Guide: Electronic Product Development Cost

  What’s the issue? The cost of developing a product ready for market must be …

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One Page Guide: Electronics Machine Development Capabilities

  What’s the issue? Because the topics of product development and sustaining engineering are so …

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Big risk with development

One Page Guide: Development Cost Saver

  What’s the issue? Electronics product development is risky and expensive. There are ways that …

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Big risk with development

One Page Guide: Big Risk Mitigation with Electronics Product Development

  What’s the issue? An alarming issue is that most electronic product developments fail ROI …

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One Page Guide: Guide to Specfifications

  What’s the issue? An alarming issue is that most electronic product developments fail ROI …

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Electronics Product Development Milestones

One Page Guide: overview of milestones in electronics development

What’s the issue? A recent market survey by the EM on business owners revealed that …

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One Page Guide: Electronics Prototyping Costs

  What’s the issue? To be sure of an acceptable ROI with an electronic product …

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Battery selection

What is this all about? The choice of the right battery type and capacity is …

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Flow/Pressure Metrics

The need for pressure or flow monitoring bridges may industries. This article covers some of …

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Wireless technologies

There are numerous companies out there with ground breaking inventions and products not connected to …

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UVC disinfection

UVC (ultraviolet light) has been used for killing bacteria for decades, but it is not …

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Right first time vs. fail fast

Right first time is a dangerous myth! For many years it has been thought that …

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One Page Guide: Electronics Manufacturing Cost

  What’s the issue? To be sure of an acceptable ROI with an electronic product …

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