Elite Service Level (XSL)

Project State
Occasionally some very demanding services are required by clients. A disturbingly common one is the re-establishment of control of the design and production of a product – engineer has left or the relationship with a previous design resource has become problematic. Others may be the need to raise funds for innovative developments, very specific feasibility studies, or proactive engagement on issues relating to intellectual property.
Feasibility studies and the inception of XLS services lays the foundation for re-entry to lower levels of service. At best CSL because a prescriptive specification has resulted from the work involved.
XLS, if needed, will be a prerequisite. It is not possible to write specifications for a product that has not been unequivocally established as feasible. Feasibility work is needed if this is not established.
The responsibilities become very bespoke for XLS services – not possible to give generic answers, but obviously:
Feasibility studies either confirm infeasibility or result in prescriptive specification for the topic in question.
The cost is variable and entirely depends on the service required. The nature of XLS services is such that it is rarely practical to consider them as anything else other than payable by the hour.