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One Page Guide: Development Cost Saver

Big risk with development

  What’s the issue? Electronics product development is risky and expensive. There are ways that product development cost can be reduced very significantly without sinking to amateurishness. This article is designed to point you along that path. What are the advantages and disadvantages of DIY product development? The DIY approach is generally bad if it […]

One Page Guide: Big Risk Mitigation with Electronics Product Development

Big risk with development

  What’s the issue? An alarming issue is that most electronic product developments fail ROI requirements (even fail to materialise at all) at the first attempt. Why? – poor management of commercial and technical risk. We are all human, and it is an understandable part of our ego preservation that we avoid analysis of the […]

One Page Guide: Guide to Specfifications

  What’s the issue? An alarming issue is that most electronic product developments fail ROI requirements (even fail to materialise at all) at the first attempt. Why? – poor management of expectations because specifications aren’t thorough. Specifications (detailed, written, mutually approved descriptions of requirements) are the only vehicle by which expectations can be managed properly, […]

One Page Guide: Electronics Prototyping Costs

  What’s the issue? To be sure of an acceptable ROI with an electronic product development, it is necessary to estimate what prototyping costs for electronics PCBAs are likely to be. This can be a point of issue because you might reasonably think it is a one off cost, but it isn’t. What’s more, per […]

Battery selection

What is this all about? The choice of the right battery type and capacity is usually fundamental to an electronics design project. Quick learn Unless the company intending to use the battery is multi-national and intending to use tens of thousands of them, the electronics product designer is constrained by what can be purchased ‘off the […]

Flow/Pressure Metrics

The need for pressure or flow monitoring bridges may industries. This article covers some of the basics in the medical, general industrial, and water supply industries. The fundamentals of pressure and fluid flow don’t really change across the industries. It is necessary to do one of the following: Simply measure pressure because that what’s needed, […]

Wireless technologies

There are numerous companies out there with ground breaking inventions and products not connected to the internet (IoT – internet of things). Most companies are aware of the seismic change including such connectivity can bring them but are sometimes unsure how and with whom to make it all happen. The ET is more than happy […]

UVC disinfection

UVC (ultraviolet light) has been used for killing bacteria for decades, but it is not resurgent largely because of Covid. It kills bugs very effectively. The trouble is it it can also be dangerous because doses above certain levels can initiate cancer. There are a few simple statement that clearly show why UVC is so […]

Right first time vs. fail fast

Right first time is a dangerous myth! For many years it has been thought that inordinate lengths must be used to ensure that a product’s development is right first time, in other words the first prototype satisfies all. This is a road to failed product development. It is wrong-headed, despite having been a maxim for […]

One Page Guide: Electronics Manufacturing Cost

  What’s the issue? To be sure of an acceptable ROI with an electronic product development, it is necessary to know both what the manufacturing cost of electronics (PCBAs) will be and what the market price can be, but manufacturing cost isn’t accurately known before design. It’s an irritating dilemma, but the EM can help. […]